Capitalists For Shared Income
An Innovative Response to Income Inequality
As part of our distribution in Dec 2021, we asked Trinity Center to do a survey for us so we could get some data on the usefulness of C4SI $ecurity Cards. We designed the survey in the following way:
Survey 50 people
All 50 would receive the same distribution containing personal hygiene supplies
25 of the 50 would also receive a $58 $ecurity Card as part of their distribution
All 50 would be asked a few questions about their distribution
All 50 would be given a $15 retail debit card after answering the questions
Here are the results of the survey:
1. On a scale from 1-10, how happy are you with this distribution?
w/ $ecurity Card
mean: 9.64
rank 10: 18
rank 9: 5
rank 8: 2
w/o $ecurity Card
mean: 9.44
rank 10: 18
rank 9: 1
rank 8: 5
rank 7: 1
2. Which item contained in this distribution is the most helpful?
w/ $ecurity Card
$ecurity Card 44%
toothbrush/toothpaste 32%
shampoo 8%
w/o $ecurity Card
toothbrush/toothpaste 44%
hand sanitizer 8%
socks 8%
We asked an additional question of the 25 people receiving a $ecurity Card.
3. How do you plan to use the $ecurity Card?
transportation necessities
phone bill -- thanks a lot!
I'll save it
I need to buy feminine stuff for menstruation. Need toiletries. I need to self-care with face/body stuff when center for homeless is not open
it means comfort, support and a better means to support myself
will use to buy diaper wipes
will use it for food
I will by a razor
Can buy N95 mask. It helps with the inflation.
more money to spend and happy to use it
buy kids a couple of pants
can meet a financial need
buy groceries that I need
grocery shopping
I can buy something that I desire
can now pay a bill
opportunity to get myself what is important and what I need
by buying things I need
currently transportation purposes
to get certain hygiene items and as a "rainy day" life saver
On December 23, 2021, we distributed the first $58 $ecurity Card generated by income from our endowment. This was our original mission: create an endowment of capitalist wealth and use the proceeds to pay out cash dividends to those living in poverty. We seeded the endowment on 08/31/2021. Trinity Center (Walnut Creek, CA) assisted us in identifying someone who would benefit from a $ecurity Card. It was great to meet and speak to Marla and give her a $ecurity Card. Marla has struggle with homelessness for a number of years but with the aide of Trinity Center has secured subsidized housing.
"I am grateful for the money I got from C4SI. Receiving money has made a big impact in my life since I was finally able to get an oil change for my car. It is great to know that someone is looking out for us, the people in need."
In December 2021, our Distribution Partner Cocoa Packs (Hershey, PA) asked its $ecurity Card recipients how they would use the $ecurity Card and what it meant to them. Cocoa Packs reported back that many recipients were moved to tears upon receipt. Here are some representative responses:
“This card means everything. It means so much that someone cares about me enough to share this generosity.”
“I will buy gas. My mom passed away and now I will be able to drive myself to my mom’s funeral.”
“I will use it to buy diapers for my baby. I appreciate the unexpected blessing.”
“I will get some things for the holidays that we would not have been able to get.”
“I will buy school items.“
“I will buy socks & underwear.”
“Some essentials for the house like toilet paper & laundry detergent.”
“I will buy feminine products. This gift is truly a life saver.”
“Food items I would not have been able to buy. Thank you, this was incredibly helpful.”
“I will buy pet food.”
On December 14, 2021, we visited our Distribution Partner Arsola’s House (Oakland, CA) to distribute $ecurity Cards to some of those who were waiting in line in their car to receive Arsola’s food distribution. We asked recipients how they would use the $ecurity Card and what it meant to them. Just as Cocoa Packs reported back to us, we witnessed first hand many recipients being moved to tears. Here are some representative responses:​
“This is so meaningful. I will use it for gas.”
“This is so kind. I’m going to use it for food. In fact, I may buy extra crab meat to make my Christmas gumbo extra special for my family!”
“I’m going to use this to do something special for my grandkids.”
“I’m going to use this to help someone else.”
“Wow! My grandson and I will use this to get groceries.”
“This means a lot. I have 9 grandchildren. I will use it to buy food.”
“As a mommy, this means so much. Things are hard right now. I need a lot for me and my kids. This makes me feel joyful.”
“I am on my feet all day at work, and my feet hurt. I will use this for new shoes.”
“This is a blessing!”
“It’s nice when people give help. This makes me cry. I will probably share it with someone else who needs it even more than me.”
“This means so much. I will use it for food.”
“This is a blessing. I will use it to complete my shopping for Chistmas dinner.”
“This will help me a lot. I will use it for food & shirts.”
“This is a blessing. I will use it to pay a bill.”
“I will buy gas.”
“This means a lot. I will use it to buy milk & juice."
In the weeks that followed, Arsola's continued to get feedback from those who received $ecurity Cards on December 14, 2021. On 02/07/2022, one recipient wrote:
"I would like to thank you for the debit card. It was a Blessing in the time of need. It allowed me to add to my dinner table. I thank you with all my heart."